Saturday, January 15, 2022

Day 715: Don't Stop Believing

A little pandemic humor from Jon Rappoport for the weekend: “Help me. I stopped believing in the virus.”
When did you stop believing in the virus?

It’s hard to pinpoint the moment. I was watching a cooking show a few weeks ago. The host was making a shrimp dish. I fell asleep and had a dream. Dock workers were throwing cases of vaccine vials into the ocean. When I woke up, I felt lighter. My daughter called from college. She said she was taking a leave from her studies and coming home. Her thesis advisor had just been fired for writing an article defending the 1st Amendment. I miss my daughter. I was glad she was coming back.

And then you stopped believing?

I think it was around that time.

Did something traumatic happen to you?

No. I lost my cat for a few hours, but I found her in the living room closet.

Any marital problems?

No. But I haven’t told my husband I stopped believing.

Why not?

He wears a mask when he goes out in the backyard to work in the garden.

I see. So I would call what you’re experiencing a spontaneous suspension of belief.

Is it serious?

It could lead to irrational actions. We don’t have a mental disorder label for it yet, but I have seen it in a few patients. It’s a regression into childhood, basically. A person abandons responsibility.
It goes on like that.

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