Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Day 690: Winter Mask Advisory

Our governor warns that there's heavy mask weather ahead, or something like that. The locals are already complaining that the mask advisory is not a mandate, even though the most fascist maskist of us are already under city and town mask mandates.

In national news, the three-letter COVID agencies' witchhunt against the authors of the anti-lockdown Great Barrington Declaration has made the news, if Zerohedge counts as the news.

But the quote of the day comes from el gato malo of bad cattitude, in a long post about the harmless Omicron variant:
continuing to swerve around a chipmunk in the road as though it were some sort of phantasmagorical lovecraftian horror will accomplish nothing but needless damage.
P.S. Massachusetts cases were up almost two thirds of a percentage point today.

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