Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Day 242: Not Taking COVID Seriously

Despite the recent lockdown, Israel is reported to have the highest weekly infection rate in the world and a daily death rate higher than the US. Though this wasn't their first lockdown, their plan seems to be to continue with socialism lockdowns until it finally works.

Massachusetts cases were up two-fifths of a percentage point today. Missouri (#19) is on the rise and may pass #18 Massachusetts in another day or two. Another steady climber at more than 2,000 cases a day is #21 Wisconsin.

In local news, BU is working itself up to suspend 20 underage students for attending an outdoor "beer party", not because underage drinking is illegal (it is) or because they were anywhere near the limit on outdoor gatherings in Boston (they weren't), but because they "won’t take COVID-19 seriously." (PlagueBlog would not be here blogging today if, back in the day, we'd gotten tossed out of institutions of higher education for taking beer more seriously than AIDS.)

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