Thursday, September 10, 2020

Day 223: Danger of Suffocation

In #6 Columbia, police killed an unmasked lawyer using a stun gun, leading to riots that killed seven more innocent civilians. In #26 Canada, a flight was grounded when a 19-month-old child refused to put on his mask. According to the airline, it was the three-year-old who refused to wear a mask, but the parents maintain the three-year-old was under the mask, and only the 19-month-old refused. (Children under 2 are not required to wear masks in Canada, due to the danger of suffocation.) The hostile toddlers were removed from the plane, but the flight crew apparently refused to fly after the commotion.

Snopes takes on the question of the alleged 260,000 COVID cases from the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, but doesn't fully debunk it.

In local news, 13 Boston College swimmers have tested positive for COVID-19. The affected teams are, as the kids say nowadays, "paused." Massachusetts' cases are up a third of a percentage point today.

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