Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Day 89: Data Dump

Massachusetts' numbers are still "plateaued" at 3%, and the governor's office is still having trouble with basic youtubing. (Rumor has it you can catch the pressers live on Channel 25's livestream.) The exciting part of today's data is, instead, all the extras. For one, it's cities and towns day at the MDPH (see below). And, for the first time, all the data for the pretty dashboard is available in actually useful formats in a zip file.

For today, I've upped my cities and towns map to an interactive version. Last week both MassLive and Channel 5 put up the state's data using Leaflet.js, and I was inspired to try the R version. I redid last week's map with some tooltips of stats, but for this week I made something a bit more visual. (Open in a new tab.)

P.S. I also put the data up on Kaggle.

P.P.S. I also wrote up a tutorial about how I made the latest map.

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