Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Day 662: All of the Data So Far

I was skimming a New York Times article about the children's surge when I came across this laughable conclusion:
All of the data so far indicates that the vaccines are far safer than a bout of Covid, even for children.
I suppose with the FDA on the 50-year plan of releasing data about Pfizer's vaccine, some extremely ignorant journalist might feel he could get away with a howler like that. Sadly, the only thing that says the vaccines are safe for children at all is a lot of hot air from the CDC about "mild" myocarditis and zero, count them, zero deaths from the vaccines for all ages. Add to that obvious undercount their senseless exaggeration of the risks of COVID to healthy children, and you get a cure that's impossibly safer than the disease.

If you want a dose of reality, though, Dr. Meryl Nass elaborates on the actual data; children are at an uncertain but significant level of risk from the known and unknown dangers of an entirely new vaccine technology, and at statistically no risk from COVID.

Massachusetts cases were up a third of a percentage point today.

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