Friday, November 12, 2021

Day 651: Armchair Epidemiologists

Today's title refers not to semi-qualified disease bloggers such as infest PlagueBlog Headquarters, but to completely unqualified heads of state who feel the need to override their dedicated health bureaucracies in order to prescribe, say, COVID boosters for all without a license. The latest entry in this scarily overcrowdyed space is Colorado Governor Jared Polis, who's declared a booster free-for-all for his state because he doesn't like their case rate.
Mr. Polis’s order justified broadening access to boosters by saying that since the entire state of Colorado has seen significant spread of the virus, it qualified as the kind of high-risk environment for which federal regulators cleared boosters.
Sure it is...

P.S. Massachusetts' approximate case rate (due to yesterday's holiday) was two ninths of a percentage point.

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