Saturday, March 26, 2022

Day 785: No One Left to Resign at the FDA

Vinay Prasad is appropriately incensed at the White House for bypassing the pesky advisory committees and unilaterally declaring a 4th shot of ineffective mRNA COVID vaccines against an extinct COVID strain, plus a 5th shot if you're over 50. While he titled his blog post "The White House is now your doctor!" and he makes at least 8 great points, his most telling point was #7, that there's no one left to resign at the FDA. Another great quote:
They are skipping the ad-com [advisory committee] because they know many smart people will disagree with them, and consider their plan reckless, and lacking data. These people will give great quotes.
PlagueBlog eagerly awaits the great quotes to come.

P.S. Massachusetts cases were up a fourteenth of a percentage point again on Friday.

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