Thursday, March 24, 2022

Day 783: The Daily Activities of a Two Year Old

The bad cat tears Moderna a new one over their "successful" COVID vaccine trial in ages 6 months to 6 years:
moderna has been far less forthcoming than even pfizer on adverse events (or if there have been more disclosures, i haven’t seen them) but we do have some. (per CDC)

grade 3 generally means “unable to undertake daily activities.”

grade 4 generally means “needs urgent medical care/hospitalization.”

[table of adverse effects by grade omitted]

this is a quite limited list, but it shows that we’re in the neighborhood of 20.5% of the vaxxed being unable to perform daily activities when we sum the 2 doses.

[table of "local" effects by grade omitted]

we pick up another ~11% grade 3 from local (though how that overlaps is unclear) so we can use a range of 20%-32% unable to undertake daily activities at some point in the vaccination regimen. about 0.1% were grade 4 and probably hospitalized/urgent care.
The cat also notes that no study participants were hospitalized for COVID itself, which poses vanishingly small risk to children at this age. The cure is literally worse than the disease.

The cure is also horrifyingly worse than the disease, when you consider what the daily activities of a two-year-old actually are. Here at PlagueBlog Headquarters we asked our underage intern about it, and she tossed some puzzle pieces onto the floor. In other words, it's not rocket science. It's not even submitting crappy statistics to the innumerates currently running the FDA about how it's a great outcome to injure children with a vaccine that does not even prevent the disease.

P.S. Massachusetts cases were up a fourteenth of a percentage point again today.

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