Saturday, November 14, 2020

Day 288: The War on Thanksgiving

The world is at 54 million cases, with the US accounting for 11 million of them. Mexico is moments away from the million case mark. Moldova, a nation of only 4 million people (barely an accounting error in China's census) recently surpassed China to take 60th place in international total case counts.

In the US, the latest target of hand-wringing is the approaching Thanksgiving holiday. Vermont has preemptively cancelled it. Massachusetts is reopening a field hospital (sadly still not on Corey Hill, but back at the DCU Center in Worcester) to handle the anticipated tryptophan COVID casualties. New Yorkers are already announcing their intent to flout Governor Cuomo's Thanksgiving dinner limit, and a recent survey indicates that 40% of Americans plan to join them at celebrations with more than 10 people.

Massachusetts cases are up 1.7% today.

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