Saturday, August 01, 2020

Day 183: Return of the Germ Boats

The world is at 18 million cases. The news found it notable that #5 South Africa surpassed 500,000 cases and #6 Mexico became #3 in deaths, surpassing the UK. The Guardian reports on a large anti-mask protest in that benighted country that is alone in the world in protesting mask mandates Berlin, Germany.

In the US, Texas has surpassed New York in cases, though with less than a quarter of that state's deaths (so far). Bloomberg reports on a peculiarly American mystery in which our laundromats remain short on quarters due to the pandemic, despite no similar issues being reported in foreign coin-operated laundromats. Also, Massachusetts cases are up a third of a percentage point today, with the MDPH still noting higher numbers due to the testing delay issue.

After a long lull in coronavirus activity on the high seas, PlagueBlog brings you another plague ship: Germ Boat #30. The Telegraph reports that the MS Roald Amundsen returned from a seven-day Arctic cruise yesterday with 33 crew infected out of 160. The 177 passengers had already disembarked, but are being quarantined and tested; so far, one has tested positive. The ship's next cruise was supposed to begin yesterday but has been cancelled.

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