Thursday, July 14, 2022

Day 895: No Evidence for Boosters

Vinay Prasad, among others, notes that the European CDC has rejected boosters for low-risk people because there's no evidence they would be of any benefit, while the Biden administration is making unscientific plans to push them on healthy Americans this fall.
Instead, the white house disregards these analyses and pushes this dose. The worry of course is that need to be seen as offering something for political rather than medical reasons. They need to limit cases right at the moment of the midterm elections.

The other concern is that clearly Pfizer has excess product, and this move will help them unload that supply. Are they merely working in Pfizer’s best interest? When the terms end for people like Marks-Walensky-Jha will they end up working for Pfizer? Serving on the board of directors?

The final concern is that they continue to play fast and loose with the FDA’s credibility. They are spending it like monopoly money. Unfortunately, the massive decline in public acceptance of other vaccines, which is in progress, will be, in part, attributable to their actions.
PlagueBlog notes that however tattered the FDA's credibility looks at the moment, it cannot compare to the shreds of the CDC's credibility.

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