Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Day 271: Reverse Marathon

India at 8 million cases is gaining on the USA's 9 million and change, while #5 France is planning a new lockdown for Friday. Most notable in the recent surpassers of #55 China is #54 Austria, a nation of only 9 million people none of whom are in the habit of eating bats.

Most notable among recent cancellations is the "postponement" of the second Boston Marathon to fall victim to COVID. It matters not that Massachusetts has fallen to #21 in case counts behind #20 Indiana despite our alleged COVID backsliding (otherwise known as "autumn"). Speaking of the weather, Chicago will "suspend" indoor dining starting on Friday, making for no dining out at all considering their climate.

The ever sketchy New England travel bubble has been dealt a severe pinprick by the addition of Massachusetts to Connecticut's quarantine list.

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